Adivina (Guess What)

Now offered in Spanish, the Guess What series provides young curious readers with striking visual clues and simply written hints. Using the photos and text, readers rely on visual literacy skills, reading, and reasoning as they solve the animal mystery. Clearly written facts give readers a deeper understanding of how each animal represented lives. Additional text features, including a glossary and an index, help students locate information and learn new words.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Colas enroscadas (Twisty Tails): Camaleón (Chameleon) 1.0
Crines majestuosas (Majestic Manes): Caballo (Horse) 0.9
Ferocidad felina (Fiercely Feline): León (Lion) 1.1
Nadadores escamosos (Scaly Swimmers): Cocodrilo (Crocodile) 1.2
Reptadores furtivos (Slinky Sliders): Serpiente de cascabel (Rattlesnake) 1.3
Saltarines de alta velocidad (High-Speed Hoppers): Canguro (Kangaroo) 1.0
Valientes plumíferos (Feathered and Fierce): Águila (Bald Eagle) 1.0
Velocidad sin vuelo (Fast and Flightless): Avestruz (Ostrich) 0.9

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