
Jaime Corum

Jaime Corum received her Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Kentucky. Her art career began, however, when she started drawing her favorite animal, the horse, at the age of seven. Since then her equine art has evolved from doing portraits of friends’ horses for fun to a full-time career of commissioned portraits and original compositions in oil paint. Her primary areas of expertise are thoroughbred racing, dressage and eventing, but she loves painting horses of all shapes and sizes.

D is for Derby is Jaime’s first adventure in book illustration. Speaking about the experience, she says, “The Derby is a great source of pride for me and my home state of Kentucky. It was an honor to pay homage to this prestigious race and the culture that surrounds it.” Jaime lives in Louisville, Kentucky, with her dogs, George and Sugar, and her horse and chief muse, Sandy-Man.

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