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2774 records found. Displaying 31 - 40.

Language Arts · Social Studies

Ada Lovelace

The My Itty-Bitty Bio series are biographies for the earliest readers. This book examines the life of mathematician and computer programmer Ada Lovelace in a simple, age-appropriate way that… More →

Soon! Language Arts · Natural Sciences


In this title, students will learn that all animals have different kinds of body parts and behaviors that have changed over time. They will understand that these changes are called… More →

New Mathematics


Designed in collaboration with elementary mathematics education experts, this graphic novel makes difficult mathematics concepts fun and easy to understand. Alongside colorful characters,… More →

Language Arts · Mathematics

Add It Up

Decode number words to find out what they add up to in this decodable book for beginning readers that uses a combination of domain-specific sight words and decodable text to build confidence… More →

Language Arts

Adorable Animal Friendships

Adorable Animal Friendships checks out the sweetest animals friendships in the world--too strange to be made up! The book is written with a high interest level to appeal to a more mature… More →

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