Push an object, and it will move. Push it harder, and it will move farther and quicker. What happens when objects collide with each other? Simple text and bright images will help young… More →
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Push an object, and it will move. Push it harder, and it will move farther and quicker. What happens when objects collide with each other? Simple text and bright images will help young… More →
Mountains, valleys, hills, and plains are all part of Earth's solid surface. We call them landforms. In this book, readers will learn about many landforms and the Earth's processes that formed them. More →
The seasons happen every year, but what happens in every season? This book explains how the seasons always occur in the same order and how they affect us and everything in nature. More →
Look outside, and you can see the weather. It's different from place to place. It changes with the seasons. Learn about different kinds of weather and the tools scientists use to predict it. More →