
Citizens and Their Governments

Each of the titles in Citizens and Their Governments is aligned to both the national standards for civics and government and the P21 framework. These engaging titles help the reader discover the key role that citizens play in the American Democracy.


All 10 titles found.

Beyond Government

There are many opportunities for people to make a difference, such as delivering meals to the elderly or volunteering with United Way or the Red Cross. This book encourages people to help out More →

Counting Our People

Counting Our People, is a new addition to Cherry Lake's Citizens and Their Governments series. This book, released to coincide with the US census, will help the reader understand the history… More →

Democracy at Work

This study makes the United States government system - three branches with checks and balances - clear and understandable. More →

Electing Leaders

The importance of the democratic election system is highlighted and people are encouraged to vote. More →

Homeland Security

Homeland Security discusses why and how the Department of Homeland Security was created and the measures taken by the Department to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States. More →

Law and Order

All levels of our legal system are described, from the U.S. Constitution and the Supreme Court to local judges, courts, juries, and law enforcement agencies. More →

Local Action

There are many opportunities for people to make a difference, such as delivering meals to the elderly or volunteering with United Way or the Red Cross. This book encourages people to help out More →

Rights and Values

Our unalienable rights, and efforts to protect them, are a foundation of American government. Those rights, the Bill of Rights, and other protections are described in this book More →


The foundation of democracy is the vote of the people. The history of voting in the United States and some of the interesting results are recapped in this book. More →