The My Dinosaur Adventure series introduces early readers to the coolest creatures in history. In this book, meet a Brachiosaurus and learn about how they use their long neck. Through simple… More →
My Dinosaur Adventure
The My Dinosaur Adventure series introduces early readers to the coolest creatures in history. With the help of their new prehistoric pals, readers will explore the Jurassic world and dig up facts along the way. Content is made approachable through simple sentences which help develop world recognition and improve reading skills. Easy enough for the earliest of paleontologists! Each book in this series includes a table of contents, glossary, index, and an author biography.
All 8 titles found.
The My Dinosaur Adventure series introduces early readers to the coolest creatures in history. In this book, meet a Mosasaurus and learn about how they ruled the water. Through simple… More →
The My Dinosaur Adventure series introduces early readers to the coolest creatures in history. In this book, meet a Pterodactyl and learn all about this flying reptile. Through simple… More →
The My Dinosaur Adventure series introduces early readers to the coolest creatures in history. In this book, meet a Spinosaurus and learn about how they use their sail. Through simple… More →
The My Dinosaur Adventure series introduces early readers to the coolest creatures in history. In this book, meet a Stegosaurus and learn about how they use their spikes. Through simple… More →
The My Dinosaur Adventure series introduces early readers to the coolest creatures in history. In this book, meet a Triceratops and learn about how they use their horns. Through simple… More →
The My Dinosaur Adventure series introduces early readers to the coolest creatures in history. In this book, meet a Tyrannosaurus Rex and learn all about the "king of the dinosaurs." Through… More →
The My Dinosaur Adventure series introduces early readers to the coolest creatures in history. In this book, meet a Velociraptor and learn all about this swift hunter. Through simple… More →