Real World Math

The Real World Math series shows readers how they can use math skills to learn more about the 21st century world that we live in.


52 titles found. Displaying 1 - 10.

Breakfast by the Numbers

Readers will learn that a good breakfast is essential to good health. Healthy breakfast options are discussed along with ways to use real world math to make smarter choices for breakfast! More →


This book uses math and science to help students learn about Continents. Math challenge questions provide students with the opportunity to apply math skills as they learn about the… More →

Cooking by the Numbers

From adjusting recipes to measuring ingredients, cooks use math skills every day. Readers will discover how preparing healthy meals for themselves and their families can be fun and practical… More →

Dinner by the Numbers

A family dinner is a great way to reconnect with family members at the end of the day. Readers will learn how to make family dinnertime special and find out that math skills are essential to… More →


What happens to the environment when a drought occurs? What are some of the causes of droughts? What can people do about the problems caused by droughts? How can you use your math skills… More →


What happens to the environment when a earthquake occurs? What are some of the causes of earthquakes? What can people do about the problems caused by earthquakes? How can you use your math More →

Exercise by the Numbers

Exercise is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. Readers will learn about the health benefits of exercise and discover how they can use math to get the most from an exercise routine. More →


What happens to the environment when a flood occurs? What are some of the causes of floods? What can people do about the problems caused by floods? How can you use your math skills to… More →