
Junkman's Daughter

Even before they immigrate to America, Hanna and her family dream of the new life they will have there. "You will see, Hanna," Papa said. "There are streets of gold." But when they arrive, they find life very different from what they had imagined. Their apartment is small and Hanna and her brothers must sleep on a mattress on the floor. Mama spends her days knitting shawls and sweaters to sell on the streets but no one stops to buy. And Papa can find no work. Hanna looks everywhere for the gold Papa promised them but it is not to be found. What will happen to their dream of a new, better life in America? One day a seemingly insignificant find on a slushy street leads to an opportunity for a brighter future. And like many others before them, Hanna and her family realize that through small steps and hard work they can make their American dream come true.

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Interest Level Grade 1 - Grade 4
Reading Level Grade 3
Dewey E
Lexile 580L
ATOS Reading Level 2.9
Guided Reading Level P
Publisher Sleeping Bear Press
Series Tales of Young Americans
Language English
Available Formats Hardcover (9781585363155), PDF (9781627531603), ePub (9781627532471), Hosted ebook (9781627533980)
Copyright 2008, 2014
Number of Pages 32
Dimensions 9 x 11
Graphics Full-color illustrations