Editorial Review

Booklist - In the Know: Influencers and Trends - Sneakers

Cover: Sneakers

Calling all sneakerheads! This entry in the In the Know: Influencers and Trends series (6 titles) will probably be of more interest to those curious about the world of sneakers than those already involved in it, as it takes a quick tour of some of the terminologies, style trends (platforms, normcore), Instagram celebs (Benjamin Kickz, Bella Hadid, Streetwear Gramps), and history of sneaker culture (including ties to hip-hop and skateboarding cultures). While a number of sneaker influencers and designers are named in both the main text and sidebar features, none are pictured, which would have been a nice addition to the book’s many stock photos of sneaks and teens holding some new kicks. Nonetheless, Loh-Hagan maintains an upbeat energy and abbreviated style to her writing that will give this pop-culture survey traction.

—Virginia Loh-Hagan

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