Editorial Review

School Library Connection - Jack Horner, Dinosaur Hunter!

Cover: Jack Horner, Dinosaur Hunter!

This picture book biography of world-renowned paleontologist Jack Horner brings not only details Horner’s passion to discover and study dinosaurs, but also encourages children to persevere when they face challenges. Readers may know the scientist from his work on the Jurassic Park movies, with a cameo appearance in the more recent Jurassic World, but he is most famous for discovering a colony of fossilized eggs and hatchlings from a new dinosaur genus he named Maiasaura. His discovery led to the new knowledge that dinosaurs did actually care for their young. Most influential for young readers might be that, despite a severe case of undiagnosed dyslexia which led to failure at school, Horner became a prominent paleontologist by pursuing his studies in the field. The comic/graphic novel-like illustrations fill the pages with color and action, bringing Horner’s story to life. While the appended Author’s Note adds additional information and the Dino Lab section suggests additional activities for students, this title will be grabbed off the shelf for recreational reading alone. Never enough dinosaur books on the shelves!

—Sophia Gholz

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