Editorial Review

School Library Journal - Racial Justice in America; Histories

Cover: Racial Justice in America: Histories

“The books in this series are designed for kids who want to learn more about the history of racial injustice in America. The first chapter of each title begins with a question that highlights topics explored the work (e.g., “Desegregation and Integration: What’s the Difference?” in Desegregation and Integration). The books have succinct chapters and a vibrant color palette coupled with images to paint a compelling picture of social injustice. Key words are highlighted and a raised hand symbol highlights key reference points. Back matter includes an “Extend Your Learning” section with web resources, a glossary, and an index. VERDICT This series educates readers about the history of racial inequality in America and would be a great resource for social studies classes. "

—Kevin P. Winn, Kelisa Wing

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Racial Justice in America: Histories (6 titles)

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