When mother pigeon arrives in Paris she knows it's the perfect place to call home--for a while. She makes her nest and lays her eggs and, when her babies hatch, nurtures them until they're… More →
Picture Books
676 records found. Displaying 41 - 50.
Our planet Earth is as individual and special as each one of us. It's ability to sustain and nurture life is unique in our solar system--and beyond. In this book, celebrate all the wonderful, More →
Apple Pie Tired
Lola's family has an apple orchard and every year they sell hundreds of apple pies for customers' Thanksgiving tables. It's always a big job, so this year Lola is going to cook Thanksgiving… More →
The old apple tree that stands near the Ansterburgs' barn house is an important part of their lives. Its sweet, juicy apples go into pies, applesauce, lunch pails, and even decorate their… More →
Arctic Animals showcases animals found in an arctic environment, including animals like penguins and polar bears. Uses the Whole Language approach to literacy, combining sight words and… More →
In this multicultural travelogue through each of the 24 time zones, young readers are invited to travel the world and experience all the people, places, and things that exist on our planet… More →
Written on a napkin and released just months after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the song "Say It Loud (I'm Black and I'm Proud)" became an anthem and rallying cry for the More →
Petra just loves spring in Gimmelwald. Each season she and her family lead their prize dairy cows into the pastures to graze and each cow wears her own jingling, jangling, clanging bell. What More →
At City Hall explores the sights and sounds of city hall. It covers people, places, and objects found at city hall. Uses the Whole Language approach to literacy, combining sight words and… More →