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1292 records found. Displaying 51 - 60.

Language Arts · Social Studies

Anita Cameron

Anita Cameron, a disability rights advocate and activist, has moved the country closer to justice through her civil rights activism. This autobiography for early readers examines her life in… More →

New! Language Arts · Social Studies

Anne Frank

This biography introduces early readers to the strength and resilience of Jewish Holocaust victim Anne Frank in a simple, age-appropriate way. It shows how her life and her legacy bring hope… More →

Natural Sciences


Bugs and insects have always fascinated children. This book in the Creepy Crawly Critters series introduces young readers to ants. Readers can discover physical characteristics, habitat,… More →

Language Arts · Social Studies


Learn how to recognize and understand when you're feeling anxious. Practice coping techniques to help you balance your thoughts. This book complements any social-emotional curriculum to help… More →

New! Language Arts · Social Studies

A Pill for Mugs

In this Little Blossom story, Mugs the pup isn't good at taking pills. But he needs his pill! What will Mom do? Uses decodable text and a repetition of sight words to increase readability.… More →

New Language Arts · Social Studies

Apple Pie Tired

Lola's family has an apple orchard and every year they sell hundreds of apple pies for customers' Thanksgiving tables. It's always a big job, so this year Lola is going to cook Thanksgiving… More →

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