
Innovations from Nature

From airplanes to football helmets, some of the greatest inventions of all time have been based on the natural abilities of plants and animals. Readers will learn how some of history's most imaginative inventors were inspired by nature and how their incredible creations continue to improve our lives today.


12 titles found. Displaying 1 - 10.

From African Plant to Vaccine Preservation

Learn about how nature has inspired technological innovations with this book on the similarities between an African plant and preserving vaccines. Integrating both historical and scientific… More →

From Butterfly Wings to Display Technology

Learn about how nature has inspired technological innovations with this book on the similarities between butterfly wings and display technology for digital screens. Integrating both… More →

From Gecko Feet to Adhesive Tape

Learn about how nature has inspired technological innovations with this book on the similarities between gecko feet and a new adhesive tape. Integrating both historical and scientific… More →

From Termite Den to Office Building

Learn about how nature has inspired technological innovations with this book on the similarities between termite dens and a new office building design. Integrating both historical and… More →