

Set of 16 titles

The Working At... series introduces young readers to many career choices. Each book in the series provides students with an overview of what it is like to work within an organization like a hospital, zoo, or TV station, and then profiles several careers within the institution. This season we've added 4 new titles to this growing series.

Format List Price Your Price Qty
$467.36 $327.20
$741.60 $519.20
Title   ATOS Format Qty
Careers (16 titles)
Working at City Hall
Working at a Bank
Working at a Computer Store
Working at a Factory
Working at a Grocery Store
Working at a Hospital
Working at a Movie Theater
Working at a Park
Working at a Restaurant
Working at a School
Working at a TV Station
Working at the Airport
Working at the Library
Working at the Post Office
Working at the Zoo
Working on a Farm