
Cool Military Careers

Set of 8 titles

The U.S. military offers a wide range of careers, from everyday office jobs to action-packed combat positions. Readers will discover what it takes to succeed in military training, the benefits and drawbacks of life in the military, and which future career options are available to former members of the military.

Format List Price Your Price Qty
$256.56 $179.60
$113.68 $79.60
$393.68 $275.60
Title   ATOS Format Qty
Cool Military Careers (8 titles)
Aircraft Pilot 6.5
Avionics Technician 7.0
Drone Pilot 7.4
Helicopter Crew Chief 7.0
Information Systems Technician 7.2
Motor Transport Operator 7.2
Pararescue Jumper 7.3
Special Ops 7.1