
Stranger Than Fiction

Set of 16 titles

From strange sports to wild inventions, take a look at the world's weirdest stories--stories too strange to be made up! Each weird book in the series is written with a high interest level to appeal to a more mature audience with a lower level of complexity for struggling readers. Clear visuals and colorful photographs help with comprehension. Fascinating information and wild facts that will hold the readers' interest are conveyed in considerate text for older readers, allowing for successful mastery of content. A table of contents, glossary, and index all enhance comprehension and vocabulary.

Format List Price Your Price Qty
$513.12 $359.20
$227.43 $159.20
$787.36 $551.20
Title   ATOS Format Qty
Stranger Than Fiction (16 titles)
Adorable Animal Friendships 2.9
Creepy Conspiracy Theories 4.0
Epic Fails 3.3
Far-Out Fashion 3.3
Mysterious Vanishings 3.0
Odd Inventions 2.9
Odd Jobs 3.0
Strange Medicine 3.4
Stupid Criminals 3.0
Super Superstitions 3.1
Wacky Sports 3.0
Weird Food 3.0
Weird Nature 3.0
Weird Science 3.4
Wild Animals 3.0
Wild Engineering 3.1