
Little Blossom Stories

Set of 187 titles

The Little Blossom Stories decodable series uses compelling fiction with an authentic narrative arc to build key reading skills. Each book includes sequenced sound/spelling patterns, a repetition of sight words, and comprehensive word lists to support teaching. Vibrant original illustrations bring characters to life and enrich children's earliest reading experiences.

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On pre-order until 08/01/2025 $2,124.32 $1,486.65
On pre-order until 08/01/2025 $5,329.50 $3,730.65
Title   ATOS Format Qty
Little Blossom Stories (187 titles) Soon!
Sam and Jen Get a Pet
Mud on the Van
Peg and Meg
Tim and His Bat
The Bulls Football Team
Beth's Basketball Game
Buzz Plays Soccer
Jump in the Pool
The Case of the Lost Cat 0.9
The Case of the Lost Frog 1.0
The Case of the Lost Hen 0.9
The Case of the Lost Pig 1.0
The Case of the Lost Pup 0.9
The Case of the Flat Hat 0.9
The Case of the Wet Pet 0.8
The Case of the Big Fish 0.7
The Case of the Mixed Socks 0.8
The Case of the Stuck Truck 0.8
Piper and Emma 1.0
Piper at the Vet 1.2
Piper in the Park 1.2
Piper has a Birthday 1.1
Piper on a Plane 1.3
A Gift for Gram
Pepper and Gram
Pepper is Lost
Pepper's Ball of Yarn
Pepper's New Toy
Where is the Blue Ball?
Where is the Red Ribbon?
Where is the Cupcake?
Where is the Pen?
Where is the Book?
Pepper Gets a Bath
Pepper at the Vet
Pepper's New Bed
Pepper Takes a Ride
Pepper in the Window
Max and Ann
Ann Hits the Ball
Max Kicks the Ball
Max and Ann Run a Race
Max and Ann Win the Game
Turtle and Frog
Turtle and Frog Race
Turtle and Frog at the Pond
Turtle and Frog Find a Ball
Where is Turtle?
Who Has My Brush?
Who Has My Snack?
Who Has My Truck?
Who Has My Watch?
Who Has My Blanket?
Gramps Has a Farm
Gramps Has a Hen
Gramps Has a Dog
Gramps Has a Horse
Gramps Has a Cow
Pam's Pet Shop
A Fish in a Bag
A Bird in a Box
A Dog in a Bed
A Cat in a Crate
Ella Plans a Garden
Ella Digs a Garden
Ella Plants a Garden
Ella in Her Garden
Ella Shops for Her Garden
Tristan Makes a Trap
Tristan Makes a Gift
Tristan Makes a Track
Tristan Makes a Snowman
Tristan Makes Lunch
Bob and Tom Get a Dog
Bob and Tom Spot a Fox
Bob and Tom with Mom
The Bus Runs Up the Hill
The Bus Hits a Bump
The Bus Gets Stuck
Bert at the Farm
Bert and the Birds
Bert and the Storm
Bert Gets Hurt
Kate Bakes a Cake
Kate Skates at the Lake
Mike Rides a Bike
Mike Likes to Hike
Hope Digs a Hole
Hope Jumps Rope
Luke Rides a Mule
Luke Plays a Tune
Pete and His Kite
Pete Runs a Race
Jayden Saves the Day
Hailey Shops for Clay
Claire Braids May's Tail
Aiden Paints a Chair
Lee Joins the Team
Dean Rakes Leaves
Leah at the Beach
Reese at the Stream
Kyle Climbs the Wall
Lyla and the Nightlight
Tyler Flies High
Skylar Makes a Pie
Joe at the Show
Colton Strolls on the Knoll
Zoey Goes on a Coach Ride
Noah in a Boat
Sue Finds the Clues
Samuel on a Cruise
Blue and the Glue
Chewy and Luke
Benji Mouse Would Like a House
The Scouts Go Camping
Douglas Has a Cough
Do We Have Enough Stuff?
The Happy Cooking School
The Balloon Book
Owl and Crow
Snowy the White Cow
Felix Fawn Goes on a Jaunt
Paw and Maw Launch a Boat
Jean at the Beach
The Dream Book
Dad Bakes a Ham
Dan and Sam Play Tag
Jen's Red Hen
Kev Gets on a Jet
Lil and Kit Like to Knit
Jill's Pig
Mom Got a Job
Tom and Todd
Bud the Pup
Bud Gets a Cut
Aunt Dawn Visits
Birdwatching with Pops
Carter Does Yardwork
Charlotte Plays Cards
Harper Shops with Gram
Joy's Toy Store
Meet Nurse Morgan
Roy Gets a Decoy
The Boat Launch
The Grouchy Cow
The Little Sprout
A Trip for Gram and Gramps
Bandit and the Car Chase
Dad Helps Plum's Pug
Ingrid Rides Her Pony
Lost in the Woods
Rabbits in the Garden
Sim Skins His Leg
Stan Sleds with Dad
The Plant Club
The Ravens
The Sand Crab
Where Is Tulip?
Do You Remember? New
Emily Has Lots of Feelings New
Jack Makes a Rocket New
Jack's New Video Game New
Liam and the Sailboat New
Oliver and His Hoverboard New
Picking Our Garden New
The Robot New
The Thirsty Dragon New
Trouble for James New
We Need a Vacation! New
Where Is My Tablet? New
A Hiking Adventure New!
A Pill for Mugs New!
Adell's Dance Class New!
Billy's Weekend Problem New!
Don and Pat Play Ball New!
Fox and Hen New!
Grammy's Cookies New!
Jan and Jim Get a Map New!
Bridge and Dutch Soon!
Grace at the Race Soon!
Gwen's Song Soon!
Knox Ties Knots Soon!
Page on Stage Soon!
Sky's Lost Kite Soon!
Where Is Phil's Phone? Soon!
Who Can Find the Most? Soon!
Interest Level Preschool - Grade 2
Reading Level Preschool
Dewey 428.6/2-E
Lexile 20L-750L
ATOS Reading Level 0.7-1.3
Guided Reading Level A-C
Publisher Cherry Blossom Press
Series Little Blossom Stories
Language English
Available Formats Paperback (9781668962398), PDF (9781668966938), ePub (9781668965320), Hosted ebook (9781668970157), Kindle (9781668968543)
Copyright 2026
Number of Pages 16
Dimensions 6 x 6.75
Graphics Full-color illustrations

Author: Various

Original artwork
Sequenced phonics skills
Teaching guides
Word lists
Full-color illustrations