Editorial Review

School Library Journal - Sleepy Snoozy Cozy Coozy

Cover: Sleepy Snoozy Cozy Coozy: A Book of Animal Beds

The rhythmic poetry of this selection will have children asking for more as they learn about the sleeping habits of various North American animals, including eagles, moles, moose, alligators, and beavers. The expository text that accompanies each spread provides enough content to satisfy young students and encourage slightly older kids to do further research. Ending each entry with a question, the author asks readers to compare their own sleeping habits with those of the creatures covered. The soft, lifelike illustrations of slumbering beasts enhance the text. The final page depicts a child in bed with stuffed toys, making this offering a soothing bedtime story. VERDICT A solid read-aloud that may inspire some to seek out more information.

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Sleepy Snoozy Cozy Coozy: A Book of Animal Beds

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