
Global Perspectives

The Global Perspectives series introduces readers to social and scientific topics that impact people and communities around the world. Students are encouraged to think, seek out additional information, and get involved. Written in engaging narrative format, the text provides a truly global perspective on the issues.


12 titles found. Displaying 1 - 10.


Who pays for schools? Does everyone have the right to a good education? What is a good education? These are just a few of the questions that leaders around the world must answer. Start… More →

Genetically Modified Foods

Should scientists manipulate genes to create new varieties of food? Is genetically modified food safe to eat? How can we grow enough food to feed all the world's people? Read this book to… More →

Global Warming

Is human activity causing Earth's to heat up? Is global warming just a natural event? What are the possible effects of global warming? Read this book to learn more about the global warming… More →


Is immigration a basic human right? Does each country have the right to decide who can enter its borders? What is an illegal immigrant? Start learning about immigration and begin looking at… More →


How many people is too many? What happens when too many people are crowded into too little space? What can be done to control the world's population? Read this book to learn more about… More →


What is a pandemic? What diseases are likely to cause a pandemic? How can the spread of a disease be stopped? Find out about how a disease reaches pandemic proportions and start thinking… More →


What causes pollution? How does pollution affect the environment? Why should we care about pollution? Read this book to find out more about the social, environmental, and economic issues… More →


How do you measure poverty? What are the effects of poverty? What can we do to prevent poverty? Learn about poverty and its many faces around the world and to start thinking about what you… More →


What is racism? Who is a racist? What are the causes of racism? Read this book to learn more about racism and what you can do to help foster tolerance, understanding, and acceptance in your… More →


What is terrorism? Why do people commit acts of terrorism? What can be done to stop terrorists? Find out more about why people commit acts of violence against innocent people and start… More →