
Cool STEM Careers

Set of 8 titles

The fields of science, engineering, technology, and math offer a wide variety of exciting and important careers. Readers will discover what it takes to succeed in these STEM careers, from what kinds of education they will need to what a day on the job is like. They will also find out where these careers are going in the future and how they will affect tomorrow's world.

Format List Price Your Price Qty
$256.56 $179.60
$113.68 $79.60
$393.68 $275.60
Title   ATOS Format Qty
Cool STEM Careers (8 titles)
Climate Scientist 6.8
Epidemiologist 7.3
Geoscientist 6.2
Hydrologist 6.4
Information Security Analyst 7.1
Remote Systems Control Engineer 6.6
Transportation Planner 7.2
Wind Turbine Service Technician 6.8