
Language Arts Explorer

Language Arts Explorer applies the NCTE/IRA Standards to science and social studies content. Each book sends the reader on a fact-finding mission, posing an initial challenge and concluding with questions and answers. Through engaging, interactive scenarios, learners can experiment with text prediction, purpose-driven research, and creative problem solving—all critical thinking skills—while learning about ways to care for our planet.


34 titles found. Displaying 1 - 10.

America: Three Worlds Meet

Following a student who is helping make a documentary film, this engaging title takes readers on a journey of US history from its beginnings to 1620, a period that the three worlds of Europe, More →

America's Colonization and Settlement

Following a student visiting a living history museum, this engaging title takes readers on a journey in US history from 1585-1763, the period of North America's Colonization and settlement. More →


Following a student interviewing experts about biofuels, this exciting title teaches readers about biofuels as an energy source. The book covers biofuels' history, how they are used today,… More →

Contemporary United States

Following a student working on a school project, this engaging title takes readers on a journey of contemporary US history using primary sources and artifacts. More →

Geothermal Power

The reader follows a student's journal as the student learns about geothermal power as an energy source. This engaging title includes how humans used geothermal power in the past, how we use… More →

Natural Gas

Following a student conducting research, the reader learns about the history of natural gas, how we use it today, and how we may use natural gas in the future. More →

Nuclear Power

Following a student conducting research, the reader learns about nuclear power as an energy source. This exciting title covers the history of nuclear power, its pros and cons, how we use… More →

Oil and Coal

The reader follows a student's journal as the student learns about oil and coal as an energy source, including how we used oil and coal in the past, how we use it today, and how we may use… More →

Postwar United States

This book uses the narrative voice of an historian to take readers on a journey in US history following the end of World War II through the cold war. More →

Save the Planet: Compost It

Save the Planet: Compost it applies the NCTE/IRA Standards to science and social studies content. Each book sends the reader on a fact-finding mission, posing an initial challenge and… More →