
Language Arts Explorer

Language Arts Explorer applies the NCTE/IRA Standards to science and social studies content. Each book sends the reader on a fact-finding mission, posing an initial challenge and concluding with questions and answers. Through engaging, interactive scenarios, learners can experiment with text prediction, purpose-driven research, and creative problem solving—all critical thinking skills—while learning about ways to care for our planet.


34 titles found. Displaying 21 - 30.

Science Lab: Soil

Written in the narrative voice of a student researching soil, this book explains the properties of soil. Readers begin to understand how the process of forming and answering questions is a… More →

Science Lab: Technological Design

This book explains the concept of technological design. The reader is encouraged to make predictions, perform purpose-driven research, and creatively solve problems presented about… More →

Science Lab: The Life Cycles of Plants

Written in the narrative voice of an inquisitive student, this book explains the life cycles of plants. Readers begin to understand how the process of forming and answering questions is a key More →

Science Lab: The Transfer of Energy

The focus of this book is on the transfer of energy. The reader is encouraged to make predictions, perform purpose-driven research, and creatively solve problems presented about the transfer… More →

Science Lab: Weather Patterns

Written in the narrative voice of a budding meteorologist, this book explains weather patterns. Readers begin to understand how the process of forming and answering questions is a key to… More →

Solar Power

The reader follows a student's journal as the student learns about the history of solar power, how solar power is used as an energy source today, and the exciting future of solar energy. More →

The Birth of the United States

Following a student helping set up a museum display, this title chronicles the history of the United States, from the causes of the American Revolution to the birth of the new nation. More →

The Development of U.S. Industry

Chronicles the development of industry in the United States. Presented as the diary of a student who visits historic sites on a road trip, this book will be an excellent selection for readers More →

The Great Depression and World War II

Follows the history of the United States from the Great Depression through World War II. This book, which follows a student researcher investigating primary sources, will be an excellent… More →

The United States Enters the 20th Century

Chronicles the history of the United States as it entered the 20th Century. This book, which follows a student who is helping set up a museum exhibit, will be an excellent selection for… More →