
Language Arts Explorer

Language Arts Explorer applies the NCTE/IRA Standards to science and social studies content. Each book sends the reader on a fact-finding mission, posing an initial challenge and concluding with questions and answers. Through engaging, interactive scenarios, learners can experiment with text prediction, purpose-driven research, and creative problem solving—all critical thinking skills—while learning about ways to care for our planet.


34 titles found. Displaying 31 - 34.

The US Civil War and Reconstruction

This book follows a student who is helping set up a museum exhibit about the Civil War. The student uses primary sources and artifacts to learn about the causes of the war, the hardships of… More →

US Growth and Change in the 19th Century

Focuses on the growth and change of the United States in the 19th Century. This book, which follows a student learning about primary documents and artifacts on a field trip, will be an… More →

Water Power

Following a student conducting research, the reader learns about water power as an energy source. This exciting title includes how humans used water power in the past, how we use energy from… More →

Wind Power

The reader follows a student's journal as the student interviews experts about wind power as an energy source. This engaging book covers wind power's history, how we use wind power today, and More →