Makers as Innovators Junior

Set of 32 titles

The Makers as Innovators Junior series looks at the Makers movement for young readers and addresses STEM topics from computer coding and 3D printing to starting your own Makerspace. Through simple text written to foster creativity and problem solving, students will learn the art of innovation. Large, colorful images show students how to complete activities. Additional tools, including a glossary and an index, help students learn new vocabulary and locate information.

Format List Price Your Price Qty
$980.48 $686.40
$409.14 $286.40
$1,528.96 $1,070.40
Title   ATOS Format Qty
Makers as Innovators Junior (32 titles)
Coding With Blockly
Coding With ScratchJr
Controlling an Ozobot
Designing Board Games
Looking Inside a 3D Printer
Organizing a MakerFest
Making Electric Jewelry
Starting a Makerspace
Hacking T-Shirts
Building Squishy Circuits
Taking Toys Apart
Prototyping Your Inventions
Creating with Cardboard
Coding with LEGO WeDo
Coding with Sphero
Making Paper Airplanes
Playing with Makey Makey
Filming Stop-Motion Animation
Inventing with LittleBits
Making a Web Page
Using Light to Make Shadow Puppets
Gaming with Bloxels
Making Slime
Remixing Toys
Coding on the Playground
Coding at the Zoo
Coding in the City
Coding at the Water Park
Coding in the Science Lab
Coding Onstage
Coding at the Grocery Store
Coding in the Cafeteria
Interest Level Grade 2 - Grade 5
Reading Level Grade 3
Dewey 005.1-794
Lexile 510L-810L
ATOS Reading Level
Guided Reading Level M-Q
Language English
Publisher Cherry Lake Publishing
Available Formats Reinforced book (9781534163294), Paperback (9781534163492), PDF (9781534163690), ePub (9781534165441), Hosted ebook (9781534163898), Kindle (9781534164093)
Copyright 2020
Number of Pages 24
Dimensions 8.25 x 8.25
Graphics Full-color photographs
Glossary of key words
Informative sidebars
Sources for further research
Table of contents
Full-color photographs